Green Tech
Innovation Radar
A continuous outlook on the most innovative technologies for the energy transition

A common risk: choosing a familiar path or technology,
without knowing if that's actually the best fit for the new project.
When business or design choices require evaluating multiple technological alternatives, the risk you run is just choosing the path you are more familiar with.
The service exploits Bluefoundation’s team expertise in energy innovation and decarbonisation technologies, providing a conscious solution to innovation needs in topics related to sustainability, energy and circular economy.
The service and methodology, already tested with multiutilities and major industries in the manufacturing and transport field, firstly explores a wide range of technological options for the specific case, tests them against KPIs and eventually deep-dives into the most-promising solutions.
The result is a basic design solving the business or technology need, backed by consciousness of why such a choice was made and why other options were discarded.

Let's get practical
Some Questions
Green Technology Innovation Radar
Industrial Heat Electrification - Suitable Technologies
Electrification of industry is an opportunity of paramount importance.
How to exploit it and gain market edge?
Green Hydrogen - Early Business Opportunities
Possibly the future energy vector hitting the headlines most often.
How to create a decision support tool in the commercial proposition to the first clients?
Systems for CO2 Capture in the Maritime Sector
CCUS is a set of frontier technologies in sustainable transition.
What about carbon capture and storage on-board a cruise ship?