Sede dello stabilimento De.Co. Abrasivi di Orsago

De.Co. Abrasivi

Case Study

“At De.Co. Abrasivi, we strive daily to meet the demands of our customers, including an increasing focus on environmental sustainability. With Corallo, the consultants from Bluefoundation, provided us with our carbon footprint and a tailor-made action plan in just a few days to improve our sustainability position.”

De.Co. Abrasivi's Jounrey

Carbon Footprint Calculated

Scope 1&2 - 2023

Target Defined

-40% CO2 emissions by 2030

Improvement Plan

Intervention areas identified

The Carbon Footprint

Measuring its own emissions allowed De.Co. Abrasivi, as a first step, to become aware of the company’s position in the ‘E’ category, i.e. Environment of the ESG issue related to the energy transition.

The Areas of Intervention

The gradual implementation of the identified actions will lead De.Co. Abrasivi to successfully achieve its emission reduction target, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and using energy efficiently.
A further step for the future would include the electrification of some of the process ovens.

renewable electricity

Purchase of Renewable Electricity

✔️ Already Implemented

led lighting

LED Lighting

- 1 ton CO2/y (-6%)
Implementation underway

Photovoltaic Plant

- 5 ton CO2/y (-34%)

Identified savings
0 /year

Energy costs
0 %

Seize the opportunities of the energy transition

  • ESG questionnaires to answer?
  • Carbon Footprint to be implemented?
  • How to improve the energy performance of the company?

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20124, Milan